Barnes & Noble

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


EVERY WOMAN can take part in HOW with or without a breast cancer diagnosis. We will also accept men living with breast cancer or at high risk for breast cancer, as we think their cases can shed important light on this disease. It doesn't matter where you live, the United States, Europe, Australia, ANYWHERE, we want to hear from you. You don't even have to leave your house to participate-HOW is an online study!

What is the HOW Study?

The goal of the HOW Study is to carefully study a large group of women and men over time to investigate the causes of breast cancer. In order to do this, we will need to include all ages, ethnicities, and races, as well as to compare those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer to those who have not. The HOW Study will ask you to answer questions about your health and health habits over time to give us a view of what people are doing and how their health is being affected. In addition, we will be asking specific questions of women and men living with breast cancer to give us ideas about what, beyond treatment, leads to long term survival as well as what the real long term side effects of current treatments are. We will include specific questions for underrepresented groups such as people with metastatic disease, men with breast cancer, transgender individuals, and women from particular ethnic groups. Finally, this study will address the questions you've been asking: is there an environmental cause of breast cancer, are fertility drugs and bio-identical hormones safe, and what about deodorant and underwire bras?
The HOW Study will be one of the largest ongoing online studies of its kind. We need ALL WOMEN-every age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and health status-so that the answers we find will be relevant to all women!
What is involved?

If you join the HOW Study, you will be asked to complete periodic online questionnaires addressing such topics as health and well-being, medical history, reproductive health history, and family health history. You will receive a Call-to-Action email when a new questionnaire is available. We plan to release one questionnaire every several months covering a different topic or topics. We estimate that each online questionnaire will take 30-60 minutes or less to fill out. You can complete a questionnaire all in one sitting or you can complete a questionnaire in multiple sittings, taking breaks as needed. We will share our findings and data with you. The value of a study such as this is the long term participation of many people; however, you will always have the option of withdrawing from the study.
Who is conducting the study?

This study is conducted by the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, in collaboration with epidemiologist Dr. Leslie Bernstein from the Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center. But more importantly, this is YOUR study! It will take ALL of us together working to find the causes of breast cancer!

Anywhere you have consistent access to the internet on a computer. In the near future, you will also have the opportunity to participate using your mobile phone.

Who can participate?
You can sign up for the HOW Study if you match ALL of these categories:

-You are at least 18 years old
-You have access to an internet connection through a computer or mobile device
-You are willing to be part of this study long term
-You are EITHER
-a woman (with or without breast cancer) OR
-a man living with breast cancer or at high risk for breast cancer

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