Barnes & Noble

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday: Medical Research Study: Calling all young women

Medical Research Breast Cancer Study

Project Title Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women Study

Researcher Paul Goodfellow, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Study Summary The purpose of the study is to learn what genetic factors may play a role in the development of breast cancer in young women.

The researchers need to recruit 5,000 women who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer when they were 40 years old or younger for this study.

Who Can Participate? You can join the Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women Study if you match ALL of these MAIN categories:

• You were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer (stage I, II, III, or IV) when you were 40 years old or younger (You are eligible regardless of how old you are now.) There are no exclusions based on current stage of treatment, previous or current diagnosis or prior genetic testing.

• You live in the United States or Canada

What Does Participation Involve? If you choose to join the Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women Study, you will be asked to submit a blood sample, which can be drawn at your next doctor’s appointment. Your doctor will ship the sample directly to the researchers. You will be sent a kit that includes shipping materials, the materials needed to draw your blood, and all of the documentation your doctor needs to draw and ship your blood to the research staff. There will be no cost to you to participate in this study, and you will not have to handle or ship your own blood.

You will be asked to provide the researchers with information about your family history. You will also be asked to give them permission to obtain a copy of your cancer-related medical records.

Where? United States and Canada

 To sign up for this research study, please visit

1 comment:

  1. This is a good project, since we all know that breast cancer is also a harmful medical condition that mostly happen in women. I read that 7 out of 10 women has a breast cancer. This project will become successful if women citizens participate or cooperate on this program, this is not only for the good of yourself but also for the others.

    Research studies in my area
